Interacting with Unity
Other than file uploads, all other interactions with Unity will be via a command line interface. These instruction tell you how to use the Jump server to connect to and interact with Unity.
Connecting to Unity (Windows)
Mac users: Follow similar instructions found on OSU's support page: "Remote SSH Access to ASC Services (SSH Jump Host)"
Open PuTTY
Double click OSU_Jump in the saved sessions list, which is on the first screen shown when PuTTY opens
If you don't have OSU_Jump saved, go back to Connection setup to save the connection
Login your name.#
Enter OSU password
NOTE: You will not see any feedback while you type. No dots, no flashing cursor. When you press <enter>, whatever you typed will be sent as your password.
When prompted about 2 factor authentication/Duo, type 1 to have a Duo push verify your login
When you’re successfully logged in, the prompt should look like:
[name.#@jump !]$
If you see the prompt above, you’re good to continue
Type: ssh
Be sure to replace name.#
You can see that you are logged in to Unity if your prompt changes to:
[name.#@unity-login1 ~]$
Interacting with Unity
Once your prompt changes to something @unity, you can interact with Unity just like any other Linux command line
Useful commands:
If you have no familiarity with the Linux command line, this site may be helpful:
Read starting at "Exploring the terminal"